Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What happens if you have trouble sleeping

Sleep is something that we need to do. You may think that it is important to get as much as your body needs every night, but you are hurting yourself if you pay attention to the signals your body is giving you don't pay. Everyone needs different amounts and many things happen when we not required sleep time. You may think you are okay, but you're not up to par and going on as well as you could if you got the right amount. If you are experiencing problems with sleep, there are some things you should know and some things you need to do.

You may think that you are having trouble sleeping if you only get six hours per night. What you might not know is that if you are rested and alert, that may be all the needs of your body. Some people as little as three can go on and no longer needed, but most need closer to seven or eight hours per night. Children experiencing sleep if they are not at least nine or ten hours a night before the age of ten. Babies need even more. Teenagers vary, but even they needed eight or nine.

Are you still groggy when you wake up, you may have trouble sleeping and you don't know it. If you have trouble sleeping, your body will not go into the deeper stages of sleep that it must every night. During this deep sleep-stages, represents your body recover from the previous day and your brain-files way what you've learned. You may not realize, but that goes into your mind during the day everything does not get stored away until you sleep. That means you don't things committed to memory as you could if you are having trouble sleeping.

Your problems may be caused by stress, or maybe a poor sleep environment. A bad mattress can contribute to sleeping problems, and so may contain additional light or even noise. Get dark curtains, a noise machine, and a good mattress to see if that helps when you have problems sleeping. You should also consider additional things in your bedroom. If you have a computer there, you can't sleep because of it. It may remind you of work and you'll sleep problems. Remove anything not related to the activities of the bedroom if you encounter problems. That can really help.

Trouble sleeping can cause health problems such as fibromyalgia, or rather that conditions can the root of your problems. They can also lead to a lack of coordination and memory problems. If you think you always am tired, difficulty remembering things if you should have, and that you seem to have weak or painful all of the time, see your doctor. Tell him or her that you are experiencing many problems or trouble sleeping, and that perhaps it is something that you want to watch.


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